Free Homeschooling Resources

There are so many free and fantastic teaching and learning resources that I have discovered online! Here are some fantastic at-home learning resources that I have been using. I am trying to utilize the free resources as I am working on a minimal budget.

I know that I am not really homeschooling right now- we really are doing at-home learning or home-education rather than homeschooling.

But since my kids receive very little education from their teachers right now, then forgive me if I FEEL like I am homeschooling. I definitely had to do some quick research on at-home learning resources, finding worksheets, assignments, experiments,  lesson plans, and any online or free educational resource.

I have a small emergency fund and I want to use that as little as possible as I don’t know when this whole thing will be over and when I will be able to go back to work full-time. If you have the money, then there are some paid versions as well so it would be great to support the creators who must have spent hours putting these materials together. Currently, I need to focus on the free and super cheap as money is getting tighter and tighter.

A quick and easy way to support creators, if you don’t have extra money, is to click on ads on their sites, subscribe to their emails, leave comments on their sites and share the great materials that you find! So many of these great teachers have spent time uploading lesson plans, digital learning resources, assignments, and learning materials so it would be really great to support them any way you can.

Resources to help you put together a Homeschool Curriculum:


  1. – is mostly paid materials but they have some free sheets. They have also specifically put together sets of materials for at-home learning that are free to download.
  2. Teachers Pay Teachers– is all materials made by teachers that they upload so that you can purchase and help dedicated teachers supplement their income. They have some free materials that you can use as well. This is a site where teachers post lesson plans, printable worksheets, classroom resources, handouts, and other coursework. If you poke around you can find some great teaching ideas and resources for free and tons and tons of resources that you can pay for.
  3. Happy Teacher Mama – is a great blog about homeschooling. They have some paid printable worksheets and lesson plans but if you subscribe to the email list you can get tons of free stuff as well. The blog is great to read as well!
  4. Living Montessori Now – my kids are in a Montessori playgroup so I have been trying to keep up all the amazing stuff they do in their school. This blog has some paid features but a lot of great ideas and lot of free printables as well.
  5. Montessori Mom – still within the Montessori theme is this great blog with Montessori themed ideas, trays and printables.
  6. NASA– my kids are obsessed with all things outer space so good thing NASA has a whole section on their website with STEM resources.
  7. Simple Living. Creative Learning. – is a homeschooling blog with great homeschool curriculum ideas and tons of free resources and printables. Why reinvent the wheel when you can follow the experts?
  8. TrilliumMontessori- Speaking of experts- these are the Montessori experts. They have a great blog and mailing list with  lot of curriculum development, webinars, course and resources to bring your teaching to a whole new level.
  9. The Artful Parent- is the blog you need for all your crafting projects and experiments that you will be doing!
  10. All Free Kids Crafts– has TONS of fun and easy craft ideas for you to do with your kids. You can sign up her to get a Free Kids Craft E-book!
  11. Cosmic Yoga– is the cutest, most adorable YouTube Channel which has yoga for kids presented in the most cute and adorable way.

Jewish Homeschool Curriculum Help:

  1. is the motherload of Jewish resources. Started by Torah U’Mesorah, this is a site where teachers from around the world post their sheets, lesson plans and ideas for free download.
  2. Torah Tots is a great website to get materials for younger students or if you are not so confident of your own Jewish Knowledge. They have very basic lesson plans about the weekly parshah and Jewish Holidays. They also have great coloring sheets to print.

I hope some of these at-home learning resources help you with this new, scary and strange world we have been thrust into!

Stay safe and wash your hands!

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