Category: Uncategorized

  • She Showered During Her Friend’s Designated Shower Time- Was She Wrong?

    A 21-year-old posted on Reddit, wanting to know whether she was wrong for showering at a showering time designated for a friend she was hosting. Too Generous for Her Own Good? The original poster (OP), a grad school student, says she has been fortunate enough to own her house at 21. Now, she has been…

  • These 16 Crazy Ways to Save Money Are Actually Genius

    These 16 Crazy Ways to Save Money Are Actually Genius

    After watching the TLC show Extreme Cheapskates, a Reddit user became interested in learning more about the most frugal things real people did to save money. People shared experiences about how they saved money. Here are some of the tips that stood out from this conversation. Dumpster Diving It’s not a typical frugal option and…

  • These 16 Crazy Ways to Save Money Are Actually Genius

    After watching the TLC show Extreme Cheapskates, a Reddit user became interested in learning more about the most frugal things real people did to save money. People shared experiences about how they saved money. Here are some of the tips that stood out from this conversation. Dumpster Diving It’s not a typical frugal option and…

  • 15 Real Ways To Make $50 Fast Right Now

    15 Real Ways To Make $50 Fast Right Now

    When you take your car for a routine check-up only to discover that it requires a new set of tires and brakes, or you need a new computer for your work because the motherboard just stopped working, it can be difficult to find the necessary funds to pay for these unexpected expenses.   With no…

  • 15 Real Ways To Make $50 Fast Right Now

    When you take your car for a routine check-up only to discover that it requires a new set of tires and brakes, or you need a new computer for your work because the motherboard just stopped working, it can be difficult to find the necessary funds to pay for these unexpected expenses.   With no…

  • How To Live Below Your Means: Mastering the Art of Financial Discipline

    How To Live Below Your Means: Mastering the Art of Financial Discipline

    If you want to know how to live below your means, you are in the right place, as this post is filled with practical advice on where to start! What Does It Mean To Live Below Your Means? Living below your means means spending less money than you earn. In other words, it means maintaining…

  • 10 Frugal Things That Are Just Not Worth the Hassle

    10 Frugal Things That Are Just Not Worth the Hassle

    Sometimes, there are frugal practices that are just too much hassle and border on being a cheapskate instead of just being frugal. Sometimes, being frugal is just not worth the insane amount of effort that people put into saving money. Are there frugal practices you think are too much hassle for the savings or just…

  • 11 of the Best Ways To Get Free College Textbooks

    11 of the Best Ways To Get Free College Textbooks

    Are you struggling with college costs? Here are some of the best ways to get free college textbooks. College is expensive! Besides the cost of tuition, supplies and textbooks can add a significant amount to your bill. According to a  survey done by the College Board, the average full-time, on-campus undergraduate at a four-year school…

  • 7 Ways You’re Being a Cheapskate Not Just Frugal

    7 Ways You’re Being a Cheapskate Not Just Frugal

    Frugality is not the same as being cheap. Learn more about what frugality really is and how to practice the art of being frugal without being cheap. Frugal people always remain committed to their goals by keeping a frugal mindset. Hard to Balance Are you trying to be frugal without being cheap? It can be…

  • You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup

    You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup

    You know those days when you are so depleted you cannot even function? Those days when you cannot, and I mean really, cannot stop yourself from snapping at everyone and everything? Those days when everyone seems to be on a mission to make your life miserable? You can’t pour from an empty cup. Were you…