Category: Uncategorized

  • 10 Frugal Practices That Are Just Way Too Much

    10 Frugal Practices That Are Just Way Too Much

    Sometimes there are frugal practices that are just too much hassle and border on being a cheapskate instead of just being frugal. Sometimes being frugal is just not worth the insane amount of effort that people put into saving money. Frugal Practices That Are Too Much Are there frugal practices you think are too much…

  • 10 Frugal Living Tips That Will Make Your Friends Jealous

    10 Frugal Living Tips That Will Make Your Friends Jealous

    Are you searching for legitimate ways to save money by embracing a frugal lifestyle? You’ve got company. After someone surveyed a frugal online community, these are the top-voted favorite and legitimate frugal tips for really saving money. Save Money If you really want to start saving money and living better, then these tips ACTUALLY WORK!…

  • 10 Frugal Living Tips That Will Make Your Friends Jealous

    Are you searching for legitimate ways to save money by embracing a frugal lifestyle? You’ve got company. After someone surveyed a frugal online community, these are the top-voted favorite and legitimate frugal tips for really saving money. Save Money If you really want to start saving money and living better, then these tips ACTUALLY WORK!…

  • 10 Not-So-Frugal Things That Frugal People Do (But Won’t Admit)

    10 Not-So-Frugal Things That Frugal People Do (But Won’t Admit)

    What is a non-financially frugal thing that you do? One member of a frugal online community suggested, “I want to hear what people do things that are frugal that are not related to money.” Here are what people confessed to. Extra Hour Commute Instead of driving for six hours, one traveler takes a train for…

  • 45 Cheap Indoor Activities for Kids

    45 Cheap Indoor Activities for Kids

    Winter can be brutal when you are stuck indoors, but you can make it enjoyable for your children with these cheap indoor activities for kids. When the weather outside is frightful, and the kids are… well, let’s just not talk about that… what you need is something to do with your kids. When your kids…

  • 10 Ways to Tell if You’re a Cheapskate (or Just Really Frugal)

    10 Ways to Tell if You’re a Cheapskate (or Just Really Frugal)

    While being frugal is usually seen as good, being cheap is usually bad. What is the difference between the two? The difference between being cheap and being frugal is hard to define, but here are ways to know the difference. The Difference Between Being Cheap and Being Frugal What is the difference between being cheap…

  • 10 Ways to Tell if You’re a Cheapskate (or Just Really Frugal)

    While being frugal is usually seen as good, being cheap is usually bad. What is the difference between the two? The difference between being cheap and being frugal is hard to define, but here are ways to know the difference. The Difference Between Being Cheap and Being Frugal What is the difference between being cheap…

  • Living Your Best Life: 16 Practical Tips To Live Your Best Life

    Living Your Best Life: 16 Practical Tips To Live Your Best Life

    Are you living your best life? These practical tips will help readers reach their goals, live their best lives, and become the best version of themselves. What Stops You From Living Your Best Life? Do you want to live your best life? Before starting on a journey towards living your best life, you must ask…

  • Living Your Best Life: 16 Practical Tips To Live Your Best Life

    Are you living your best life? These practical tips will help readers reach their goals, live their best lives, and become the best version of themselves. What Stops You From Living Your Best Life? Do you want to live your best life? Before starting on a journey towards living your best life, you must ask…

  • Karen Tries to Destroy Store’s Reputation, Ends Up Destroying Her Own

    The original poster works at a home supply and maintenance store. From her post, it looks like they encounter “Karens” pretty often since she says her workmates have learned to hand over Karens to her because she handles them “accordingly.” In this particular Reddit post, she made on the “Petty Revenge” subreddit, she narrates how…